Monday, October 1, 2012

Fund Raising

We finished the movie today in Human Geo.  The end had both good and bad parts in it, mostly happy new though.  I might as well say the bad news first; Panther has yet to be reunited with his family.  This means that they are either stuck in a camp or that they are dead. I just hope they are not dead.  Another one other the boys met his mother.  He paid for her to come to America.  I found the scene with his mother weird and sweet at the same time.  After the movie was over we talked about ways to help the men in the camps.  Maybe we could raise money for the schools in Sudan.  Then we could have the three men come to John Carroll and give them one of those huge checks with the money we have raised on it.  Ways to raise money, we could do an out of uniform day.  We could have a snowball day too, were we make snowballs and sell them.   These are just some ideas though I really think that we should raise money though    

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