Thursday, October 18, 2012

Stink Bugs

Did you know that that stink bugs get there name from the odor that they release when they feel that they are in danger.  Stink bugs can be green, gray, or brown.  When you find a green stink bug it will most likely be a female, the females are more commonly green.  One more thing about stink bugs is they can bite.  Some people can have reactions to the bite and they can break out in rashes that itch.  If you are wondering why I just listed a few stink bug facts it is because we talked about stink bugs today in Human Geo.  I have no idea how it came up but we spent about fifteen minutes of class talking about stink bugs and telling stories about them.  I didn’t get to share my story but it was really was that I watched a spider eat a stink bug the other day it was gross and I tried to save the stink bug but it was already dead.  The rest of the class we had a long talk about religions.   

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