Saturday, October 13, 2012

World Religions

    Christianity was started about 2000 years ago; it was founded by Jesus and his disciples.  Christianity is a monotheistic religion.  Christians have a bible, it is where the keep all of the stories and gospels.  There are over 2 billion Christians in the world.  Jesus Christ the son of God is the main figure in Christianity.   There are over 200 countries in the world that have Christians living there. 
Islam was started by Muhammad in the early 600s.  It is a monotheistic religion they believe in one true God.  The Islam’s call their bible Qumran. 1.8 billion People in the world are Islamic.  Muhammad is the main person in the Islamic religion.  There are more Islamic people in the UK than anywhere else in the world.    
Buddhism was started in Northern India by Siddhartha, around 563 BC.  Buddhism is neither a monotheistic nor polytheistic.  They don't believe that you should follow something just because it is written down on paper.  Buddhism has about 376 million followers and it is the fourth largest religion.  Buddha is the main God of Buddhism.  
Hinduism was founded by two different cultures, Aryans and Indus, in 1500 BC.  Hinduism is a polytheistic religion. Their holy book is the Vedas.    Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world.  Hinduism is most popular in India.     
                Judaism was started in 1st century BC, it was started by Moses.  Judaism is a monotheistic religion.  There holy book is called the Torah.  Judaism is followed by around 14.5 million people.  Judaism is most commonly found in what they call the holy land, Jerusalem.     

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