Monday, October 8, 2012

Native Americans

Human geo was boring today.  We really didn’t do much, but we got a new classmate.  He is 6’11 his name is Michael.  Michael is also in my gym class.  He is quiet in gym but he is really good at basketball.  I played against him and I couldn’t even touch the ball.   We talked about Columbus and how he founded America. His finding America was an accident and he was looking for Spain.  But when he found America there were already people there.  Native Americas lived there.  They were called Indians.  They fought with Columbus and his men for a long time, and before winter they all became friends.  The Native Americas taught Columbus and his men how to plant and grow food.  Then they had Thanksgiving and everyone eat a great amount of food.  My group is Native America’s that is why I am talking about them in my blog.  I am black foot Indian, on my mom and my dad side of the family.  We were the mean Indians back then.  A Black foots were always killing people taking their animals and ruining villages.   

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