Monday, September 3, 2012


Essay #1
    Arête is someone that has a great character and is all around a good person.  Socrates was very honest.   He stood up for his beliefs and never backed down.  Even at his trial for death he still stayed strong and fought for honor.  Greeks and people many years ago where all very polite and tried very hard for a good reputation and to have a good family name.  Not all people were as heroic and confident as Socrates but the most of they tried to be the best they could be. 

Essay #2
    I personally think that my generation will eventually ruin the earth.  Don’t get me wrong I love the world I live in but if people like Elbert Hubbard and Socrates saw the youth now I don’t think they would be very happy.  There is no chivalry or pride in what youth is today I think if mean and women were more like Elbert and Socrates we would have a better world.  If Mr. Hubbard saw how many people slack off now I think his story would be much longer.  If Socrates was here he would be so angry at how many people don’t stand up for what they believe in like he did.  Now I’m not saying that I’m perfect and never slack off but if people now a days didn’t slack off as much I think Elbert would be a happier man.  I would be ashamed of today’s youth if Socrates saw it I can’t even imagine how angry he would be and the things he would say.      

Essay #3
         I will grow a lot in the next few years and having a plan is always the best way to approach the future. Sept one, thing I will do is get acclimated with the school.  Step two, I will study hard and try to turn all of my assignments in on time or early.  Step three, I will get into the plays and try out for sports and actives that I have never tried before.  Step four, make many new friends that I will be able to have fun with and have forever.  Step five, Graduate and get into a good college and just be very happy.    

1 comment:

  1. #1: 21/25 (B). Arete has to do with excellence and effort, not so much with being polite. The Socratic Method and democracy were worth mentioning in your essay, too.

    #2: 24/24 (A). This is a better effort. This shows you understood what Socrates and Hubbard were about.

    #3: 25/25 (A+). I like your plan for the next four years. Good luck!
