Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Today was class color day and I beginning the freshman that I am had to wear white.  It was fun today, a lot of fun actually. I shadowed last year on class color day but last year they allowed tagging.  Kids still did it this year but not to the extreme that they did last year.  I remember one kid got duct tape to a wall.  I didn’t know at the time but that kid is actually one of my best friends now, oh the irony.  Well Mr. Schick wasn’t in class today, so we had to go to room 321 and our sub was late.  So I called the office.  Then we had to actually write on paper.  I can’t remember the last time we were asked to write something on real paper, with pen or pencil.  The funny thing is no one has paper but I had my folder so I just wound up giving like everyone a piece of loose leaf because no one brings it with them.  I got everything done with no problem and when I finished I got all my pens back that let people borrow and then I went to gym.      

Friday, October 19, 2012


1. How did Vikings get the the Americas and were did they come from? Boats and they came from Green Land
2. Where did Columbus think he was when he landed in America? Indian
3. On the map of the different ways to say Soda, what were the to other things that it is called besides soda? Pop and Coke
4. What are two cultural characteristics? religion and language 
5. What is the Buddhists holy book? Trick question Buddhists don't have a holy book, they have got the four noble truths

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Stink Bugs

Did you know that that stink bugs get there name from the odor that they release when they feel that they are in danger.  Stink bugs can be green, gray, or brown.  When you find a green stink bug it will most likely be a female, the females are more commonly green.  One more thing about stink bugs is they can bite.  Some people can have reactions to the bite and they can break out in rashes that itch.  If you are wondering why I just listed a few stink bug facts it is because we talked about stink bugs today in Human Geo.  I have no idea how it came up but we spent about fifteen minutes of class talking about stink bugs and telling stories about them.  I didn’t get to share my story but it was really was that I watched a spider eat a stink bug the other day it was gross and I tried to save the stink bug but it was already dead.  The rest of the class we had a long talk about religions.   

Monday, October 15, 2012

Blogging on a Blog

I would like to talk about what we did in Human Geo today.  At first we started class with our prayer, but then we started talking notes on Mr. Schick’s Power Point.  I don’t like the power points they are boring and human geo is my favorite class.  Any way we were just taking notes most class and then I was looking at my blog.  Then we went to Lexis’s blog and were reading her latest blog post.  She has fish on her blog, they are really cool.  So then I went on my blog and got fish. For the rest of the class we pretty much just took notes and read different classmates blog post. I feel like I’m only talking about blogging.  It is kind of like I’m blogging on a blog.  Even though that sounds weird that is what I’m going to call it and you can judge all you want but I like it.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

World Religions

    Christianity was started about 2000 years ago; it was founded by Jesus and his disciples.  Christianity is a monotheistic religion.  Christians have a bible, it is where the keep all of the stories and gospels.  There are over 2 billion Christians in the world.  Jesus Christ the son of God is the main figure in Christianity.   There are over 200 countries in the world that have Christians living there. 
Islam was started by Muhammad in the early 600s.  It is a monotheistic religion they believe in one true God.  The Islam’s call their bible Qumran. 1.8 billion People in the world are Islamic.  Muhammad is the main person in the Islamic religion.  There are more Islamic people in the UK than anywhere else in the world.    
Buddhism was started in Northern India by Siddhartha, around 563 BC.  Buddhism is neither a monotheistic nor polytheistic.  They don't believe that you should follow something just because it is written down on paper.  Buddhism has about 376 million followers and it is the fourth largest religion.  Buddha is the main God of Buddhism.  
Hinduism was founded by two different cultures, Aryans and Indus, in 1500 BC.  Hinduism is a polytheistic religion. Their holy book is the Vedas.    Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world.  Hinduism is most popular in India.     
                Judaism was started in 1st century BC, it was started by Moses.  Judaism is a monotheistic religion.  There holy book is called the Torah.  Judaism is followed by around 14.5 million people.  Judaism is most commonly found in what they call the holy land, Jerusalem.     

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Double Mod

Oh Thursdays in human geo we always have a double mod. It is a very long class and usual class nothing exciting really happened.  We did look at a chart that showed what different counties call soda.  Where I live we call it, others call it pop, and some people call it coke.  Then we had to take real notes on a power point that Mr. Schick made.  It was about languages and religions.  We were talking about people that speak different languages and how some people are annoyed by their accents and when signs are written in a different language.  The problem with that is what if you didn’t like translations and then you went to a different country or somewhere people spoke a different language than you.  Then the tables would be turned because you wouldn’t be able to understand anything either. Then, we stretched and talked for a few minutes.  When we started talking again we got really off topic though and started talking about prank phone calls.       

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Google Drive

We gave pretensions on Native Americas, Vikings, and Columbus today.  My group went first and I read the title page because I didn’t have a question to answer.  Since there were nine people and our group and only eight questions, I didn’t have a question.  I was happy that I didn’t have a question because I couldn’t get on the shared project.  It was annoying.  It wasn’t anyone’s fault too it was google drive.  But it could have been fixed but because Madisen didn’t check her stupid email, she never connected to the server and I couldn’t get the document.  I like using google drive, because it is fun and you can do your projects from home.  I don’t like how sometimes you can’t get into it.  Plus, when you want to put a picture in it you have to save the picture and let the file load.  Well anyway todays class was fun,  and i cant wait till tomorrow because it’s Thursday.           

Monday, October 8, 2012

Native Americans

Human geo was boring today.  We really didn’t do much, but we got a new classmate.  He is 6’11 his name is Michael.  Michael is also in my gym class.  He is quiet in gym but he is really good at basketball.  I played against him and I couldn’t even touch the ball.   We talked about Columbus and how he founded America. His finding America was an accident and he was looking for Spain.  But when he found America there were already people there.  Native Americas lived there.  They were called Indians.  They fought with Columbus and his men for a long time, and before winter they all became friends.  The Native Americas taught Columbus and his men how to plant and grow food.  Then they had Thanksgiving and everyone eat a great amount of food.  My group is Native America’s that is why I am talking about them in my blog.  I am black foot Indian, on my mom and my dad side of the family.  We were the mean Indians back then.  A Black foots were always killing people taking their animals and ruining villages.   

Friday, October 5, 2012

Lost Boy's test

We took a test on the movie we had been watching in human geo class.  It was fill in the blank, 20 questions, no word bank.  I didn’t find it that hard but I’m pretty sure I spelled a bunch of words wrong.  Each question was worth 5 points and the test was 100 points.  After the test we had Carly’s shadow read the test with the correct answers.  She read the paper very well and she didn’t seem scared.  I would have be terrified if on my shadow day I was asked to get up in the middle of a random class with people I had never meet before and start reading a paper about something I had no idea about.  Then somehow we started talking about vouchers, then peacocks.  Then I told a story about how my dog followed a few turkeys and then got chased by them.  Then I had to go to the bathroom but I thought the bell was going to ring. I decided just to go when I went to computer support but then I realized there was still 15 minutes left in class so I went.       

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Today we had another shadow.  Her name was Delany Link.  Her mother was my Test Prep teacher at St. Margaret’s School, were I went to middle school.  After, teasing Delany for a few minutes Mr. Schick and the class all said prayer.  I like the prayer we say it is quick and fun. Even Delany said the prayer; she probably learned it at St. Margaret’s School.     Mr. Schick then talked about when he graduated high school.  We are going to make him a diploma because he never got one.  Not when he graduated from high school or from college.   We started talking about what to do about the fund raising for Sudan.  John Dau wanted 6,000-10,000 dollars to come to John Carroll and talk to us.  I think we should raise as much money as we can and if it isn’t enough we could always just Skype John Dau.  I think we should make the gel bracelets and have people pay 5 dollars to be out of uniform if they wore the bracelet.   If that didn’t work we could always have the freshman class come in wearing colors of the Sudan flag.          

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Today we talked about what we are going to do for to help Sudan.  We had to go online and try to find a foundation or website that wasn’t already on the igoogle group page.  My group found two websites.  Taylor, Maria, Austin, and I were a group.  Mr. Schick was talking about a fundraiser that the class did last year.  His class raised money and sent a give one get one program.  For only $200 for a computer to be sent to children in need.  Not only did the children in need a computer, but so does the person that raises or gives in the money.  Mr. Schick told us he could probably find the laptop.  When he came back into the room with a little green laptop I almost died.  It was the cutest thing I have ever seen.  We decided to name it Sammy and it is our class pet.  We plugged Sammy in but he was out of battery so we are going to see if we can play with him tomorrow.  I can’t wait till next class I really hope that we can get it working.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Fund Raising

We finished the movie today in Human Geo.  The end had both good and bad parts in it, mostly happy new though.  I might as well say the bad news first; Panther has yet to be reunited with his family.  This means that they are either stuck in a camp or that they are dead. I just hope they are not dead.  Another one other the boys met his mother.  He paid for her to come to America.  I found the scene with his mother weird and sweet at the same time.  After the movie was over we talked about ways to help the men in the camps.  Maybe we could raise money for the schools in Sudan.  Then we could have the three men come to John Carroll and give them one of those huge checks with the money we have raised on it.  Ways to raise money, we could do an out of uniform day.  We could have a snowball day too, were we make snowballs and sell them.   These are just some ideas though I really think that we should raise money though