Thursday, November 15, 2012

Political Geography

Afghanistan was founded in 1747 by Abmad Shah Durrani when he unifed the Pashtun tribes.  They were between Russian and British Empires.  They were parts of Empires but never part of some else country. 

 Brazil was founded in 1822.  It had been under the rule of Portugal before they gained there independence. 

 France is in the European nations.  July 1914 they declared there independence.   From what I found it always has been.  It is a part of NATO. Basically they weren't colones  it just matter who the King was at the time.

Germany has never been under one certain rule.  Germany has the largest economy is in Europe.  Germany has the second largest populous nation.  It is under European power since it was founded, it is also a part of NATO. After world war to it was split into to countries. 

India was founded around 1500BC, by Dravidian.  They were never apart of the Maurya empire, but they did feed off of them, for culture ideas.

Iran was known as Persia until 1935, it became a republic in 1979.   

Mexico was taken over by Spain.  Spain populated it.  Mexico  got it's own independence in the 19th century.  

Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932 by ABD al-AZIZ BIN ABD AL-Raham Al Saud.  Before it had it's own independence it was part of Islam. Kingdom where the king can have many wives and many children.  

United Kingdom is a leading role of democracy.  It is a member of NATO.  It doesn't need to have it's own Independence it rules many other places.  Whales, Scotland, Norther Ireland and Great Britain.

 Venezuela was founded in 1830.  It was once part of Gran Colombia.  It was ruled by the militarily. Hugo Chavez is there president now.     

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