Friday, November 30, 2012

The Long Class

Every Thursday, we have a Human Geo class that is two mods long.  It is over an hour long and some days we don't even get breaks.  Yesterday Mr. Schick's sound wasn't working so the entire first mod of Human Geo, we talked about the notes we took and I did research on Twinkies.  Hostess is going out of business  and we were having a class discussion on if Twinkies can  last for a long time and if so how long can they last. I found a website on it but it's only a myth.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

New Movie

The last test we took I got an 90% on it. It was on world leaders and where places were located.   I got the bell ring. Then we started a new movie.  It's about China and money.  How the America jobs are being taken away and given to people that can do them faster and with less pay. Did you know that in China some woman work for around 1-2 dollars a day.  Men work for 3-4 dollars a day, that comes out to about 600 dollars a year.  How does someone live on only 600 dollars a year.  I probably spend 600 dollars a year and I don't even work.  Even when I babysit I make more money than that.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Political Geography

Afghanistan was founded in 1747 by Abmad Shah Durrani when he unifed the Pashtun tribes.  They were between Russian and British Empires.  They were parts of Empires but never part of some else country. 

 Brazil was founded in 1822.  It had been under the rule of Portugal before they gained there independence. 

 France is in the European nations.  July 1914 they declared there independence.   From what I found it always has been.  It is a part of NATO. Basically they weren't colones  it just matter who the King was at the time.

Germany has never been under one certain rule.  Germany has the largest economy is in Europe.  Germany has the second largest populous nation.  It is under European power since it was founded, it is also a part of NATO. After world war to it was split into to countries. 

India was founded around 1500BC, by Dravidian.  They were never apart of the Maurya empire, but they did feed off of them, for culture ideas.

Iran was known as Persia until 1935, it became a republic in 1979.   

Mexico was taken over by Spain.  Spain populated it.  Mexico  got it's own independence in the 19th century.  

Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932 by ABD al-AZIZ BIN ABD AL-Raham Al Saud.  Before it had it's own independence it was part of Islam. Kingdom where the king can have many wives and many children.  

United Kingdom is a leading role of democracy.  It is a member of NATO.  It doesn't need to have it's own Independence it rules many other places.  Whales, Scotland, Norther Ireland and Great Britain.

 Venezuela was founded in 1830.  It was once part of Gran Colombia.  It was ruled by the militarily. Hugo Chavez is there president now.     

Monday, November 12, 2012


It Alice and Wills birthdays today.  I like them both they are lots of fun.  I have known Will since the beginning of the year but I have known Alice for like ever.  The first play I ever did Alice was in it with me.  Then the second play I did she was my mother.  That was so much fun.  We also went to the same school but we never really talked.  We also got our tests back, I got an 85%.  That's not as bad as I thought I was going to do but next time im going to hopefully get an A

Friday, November 9, 2012

When i was in theater

 when i was going the play I misses an assignment, but I missed it but I can't get the pictures on.  
Federal Representative Republic  
People’s Republic of China
Wen Jiabao 
Prime Minister 
Kumar Mukherjee
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Hamid Karzai
Islamic Republic
Supreme leader Mahmod Ahmadinjad
State of Israel 
 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Shimon Pereos
Federal Republic
President Angela Merkel
United Kingdom 
UK of Greta Britain 
David Camren and Queen  Elizabeth II
French Republic 
President Francois Hollande
Federative Republic 
Dilemma Rousseth
Bolivarian Republic
Hugo Chavez 
Saudi Arabia
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
President Abdullh Bi Abdul Snezs 

Thursday, November 8, 2012


We had shadows today.  Two of them Abby and i forget the other ones name.  They were quiet but I'm sure when I shadowed i was awkward too.  I guess they just get nervous, i get it though.  The future up class men and you don't know any of them you just have to follow one around all day.    We talked about what we did our blogs on yesterday and the day before.  We had a long class today.  It was a usual Thursday boring and long, wanting Friday to be here now.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama fun facts!!!

In 2006 Obama won a Grammy for the best spoken word recording.
He wrote a book called Dreams from my Father  
He was elected Senate of Illinois in 1996
He became president in 2008
He won the re-election in 2012
he got married in February 1961
he didn't really ever know his father
He lived with his grandparents
He was very smart in school and he played basketball
He has two daughters and a dog
the dog is the first dog in the white house

Monday, November 5, 2012


Enrique Pena Nieto- He's a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party and is the former governor of the state of Mexico
Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud- He was the mayor of Mecca and he was also the commander of Saudi Arabian National Guard
Angela Merkel- leader of the Christian Democratic Union
Benjamin Netenyahu- he is a Chairman of the Likud
Hu Jintao- He is the fourth generation of leaders in his family
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad- Political leader of the Alliance of Builders of Islamic Iran
Hamid Karzai- Chairman of the Interim Administration for six months
Francois Hollande- First Secretary of the French Socialist Party
Pranab Mukherjee-  He was the senior leader of the Indian national Congress
Hugo Chavez- fifth republic Movement political party foundation leader
David Cameron- First Lord of the treasury
Elizabeth II- Supreme Governor of the Church of England
Dilma Rousseff- First woman to become Chief of Staff to the President of Brazil